Tuesday, January 12, 2010

12.01_Exam Vs Facebook

Exam is near. Nearer. Nearest.

14 January 2010, my 1st examination is coming, Mass Media Law. Well, what am I feeling and thinking now? I am not sure. No stress, no excited, no feeling at all. But lazy. What am I doing these few days? Keep thinking of STUDY STUDY STUDY, but my hands and eyes were looking at the laptop, keep gap gap gap in facebook.

Playing games, now is indulge with Country Life. The crops will not die, will not be steal, but I can't just leave it alone there. I am not like this so much before, while played FarmVille and FarmTown. I just can't stop myself, all my attention is focus on Country Life. What the hell so attract my attetion I also don't know.

Maybe I should shut down my facebook till the exam ended, I know. Maybe I should throw my laptop away or lock it and throw the key away, I know. I know what should I do, but I can't, just can't. No why, no special reason. Only 8 letters can be explain, f.a.c.e.b.o.o.k.. God know, I can stop myself to watch cartoon in PPS, but I really can't stop playing the games in facebook. John is helping me, I know. He will. If I request. But I am not.

Is facebook poisoning me? Yes. It is. I am be poisoned deep now. Damn deep. Very deep. Idiotly deep.

So, what can I do now? Someone help me off my facebook? NO. I won't agree with that. So, what else can I do? What else? Any else? Or ... Just let my exam fail? What the ... stupid idea =.=!

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